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About the coalition: 

Mali is plagued by political instability. The country experienced two military coups d'etat between 2020 and 2021, and is now led by Colonel Assimi Goïta. Hostile to France's military, diplomatic and media presence, he has forged a privileged relationship with Russia, which has only served to heighten tensions with France and accelerate the withdrawal of the Barkhane military operation. MINUSMA has also highlighted the fact that the arrival of the paramilitary group Wagner coincides with an upsurge in violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. Crimes against civilians are on the increase, particularly extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances, and impunity is the rule. Civic space is shrinking, threatening journalists and human rights defenders. The return to constitutional order is still uncertain, with the Malian junta having recently announced the postponement of the constitutional referendum initially scheduled for 19/03/23.
