The work of activists is not without danger, and many suffer serious violations of their rights. The members of Tournons La Page, through the subjects they deal with, are particularly targeted by these attacks. The purpose of this page is to draw attention to these human rights defenders who are persecuted in their respective countries for their work of citizen control.

In prison since July 09, 2024
In prison since
7 months
Head of branches and mobilization of the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC) and Coordinator of Tournons La Page Guinea (TLP-Guinée), Mamadou Billo BAH, was kidnapped on the night of Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at around 10:30pm, by a group of hooded soldiers, some in heavily armed civilian clothes.
According to witnesses, the arrest took place at the home of FNDC Coordinator Oumar SYLLA (himself arrested). The two Guinean civil society leaders were beaten with fists, dragged along the ground to their captors' vehicles and taken to the Gendarmerie's Central Judicial Investigation Department (DCIJ-GN). At around midnight, they were reportedly transported, hooded, to a Special Forces concentration camp on the island of Kassa, where they are said to have been tortured. To date, no official explanation has been given as to the reasons for their detention, their place of detention or their state of health. As a result, they have still not had access to their lawyers, in flagrant violation of international law.
Mamadou Billo BAH is an ardent defender of human rights and democratic principles. Since the coup of September 2021, this is the third time he has been arrested for his pro-democracy activities.
How to act?
Spread the word and call on the Guinean junta: Billo BAH and Oumar SYLLA need you!
Sample letter to download
Addresses of Guinean embassies and consulates abroad : Addresses

In prison since July 09, 2024
In prison since
7 months
National coordinator of the Front National pour la Défense de la Constitution (FNDC) and founder of Tournons La Page Guinée (TLP-Guinée), Oumar SYLLA alias " Foniké Menguè ", was kidnapped on the night of Tuesday July 9, 2024, at around 10:30pm, by a group of hooded soldiers, some in heavily armed civilian clothes.
According to witnesses, the arrest took place at his home, in the presence of Mamadou Billo BAH, the FNDC's head of branches and mobilization (himself arrested). The two Guinean civil society leaders were beaten with fists, dragged along the ground to their captors' vehicles and taken to the Gendarmerie's Central Judicial Investigation Department (DCIJ-GN). At around midnight, they were reportedly transported, hooded, to a Special Forces concentration camp on the island of Kassa, where they are said to have been tortured. To date, no official explanation has been given as to the reasons for their detention, their place of detention or their state of health. As a result, they have still not had access to their lawyers, in flagrant violation of international law.
Oumar Sylla is a leading figure in the defense of human rights and democratic principles. Since the coup of September 2021, this is the third time he has been arrested for his pro-democracy activities.
How to act?
Spread the word and call on the Guinean junta: Billo BAH and Oumar SYLLA need you!
Sample letter to download
Addresses of Guinean embassies and consulates abroad : Addresses

In prison since November 25, 2019
In prison since
5 years