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Tournons La Page Guinea

About the coalition

TLP-Guinée's actions focus on raising citizens' awareness, in particular of the need to preserve democratic gains through democratic alternation in power. Since October 2019, Tournons La Page Guinée has been involved in organizing demonstrations on public roads and squares to demand respect for the number of terms of office enshrined in the Guinean constitution. Its members are :

1. Ablogui
2. Balai Citoyen
7. Destin en main
3. Protégeons les droits humains (PDH)
8. Forces Sociales de Guinée
4. Association des Victimes, Parents et Amis du 28 Septembre 2009 (AVIPA)
9. Plateforme Nationale des Citoyens Unis pour le Développement (PCUD)
5. Front National de Défense de la Constitution (FNDC)



On September 5, 2021, a coup d'état led by Special Forces chief Mamdy Doumbouya overthrew Guinea's President Alpha Condé. In addition, ECOWAS demanded that the junta release Alpha Condé and modify the transition period to six months. In 2022, military demonstrations were banned by the military junta. All freedoms were restricted, and several detentions, arrests and tortures of civil society actors were carried out in Guinea by the defense and security forces. Even victims of sexual violence have no right to medical and psychological care. In July of the same year, three leaders of the NFDC, Oumar Sylla, Mamadou Billo Bah and Djanii Alfa, were arrested by police forces during their participation in a press conference at the coalition's headquarters in Conakry. They went on hunger strike and their health deteriorated, which led to the release of Saikou Yaya Barry and later Ibrahima Diallo.
