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Tournons La Page Cameroon

About the coalition:

In Cameroon, Tournons la Page coalition was created in September 2015. From the very first day of their activity in Cameroon, TLP members have suffered repression.

TLP-Cameroon is present in nine regions of Cameroon (with the exception of the North-West region, for security reasons) and comprises some fifty delegates spread across the country.

Its members are :

1. Action de Solidarité pour les Droits Humains et la Démocratie (ASDHD)
23. Collectif des Femmes pour la Protection de l'Environnement et de l'Enfant (COFEPRE)
45. Ligue Citoyenne des Droits de l'Homme (LCDH)
2. Action pour la Gestion Durable de l'Environnement et le Développement (AGDED) 
24. Comité des Femmes de la CSP Est
46. Local Expertise For Suistanable Developemt in Africa (LESDA)
25. Denis Miki Foundation
4. ADEV-Cameroun
26. Dynamique Citoyenne
48. Mouvement Prioritaire pour des Actions en Faveur de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse (MOPAFEJ)
5. Africa Millenium Development Network
27. Environmental Protection and development Association (EPDA)
6. Amicale Jean Baptiste Salis (AJBS)
50. Plateforme Indépendante Des Jeunes Pour La Démocratie Et La Citoyenneté Active (PIJEDECA)
7. AJDF-Cameroun
29. Fédération Camerounaise des Syndicats de l'Education (FECASE)
51. Progressive Life Strategies (PLIS)
8. Association des Sénégalaises des Commerçants et Accompagnement des Acteurs Economiques (ASCODEM)
30. Femmes et Développement Bamyamgam (FDB)
52. Radio Communautaire du Développement de la Mvila (RCDM)
9. Association pour la Promotion du Leadership Féminin (ASPROLFEV)
31. Fondation Conseil Jeune 
10. Association Camerounaise pour le Développement, l’Entraide Sociale et la Protection de l’Environnement (ACDESPE)
32. Gender Empowerment and Development (GeED)
54. Resau Inter Syncale du Cameroun (RISC)
11. Amis du Droit (ADD)
33. Good News Outreach International Foundation
55. Respect Sans Frontières des Droits Humains
12. Association des Jeunes Enreprenants
34. Green&Better World
56. REVD
13. Association Marche de l'Aurore
35. Growing Together
57. SHALAND Foundation
14. Association pour la Défense des Droits des Opprimés (ADDO)
36. Hole and Heart Association
58. SKF
15. Association pour la Promotion des Actions de Développement Endogènes Rurales (APADER)
59. Solein Plus
16. Association pour la Promotion des Albinos du Cameroun (APAC)
38. Initiatives
60. SOS Jeunes Actifs
17. Association pour le Suivi du Développement Personnel et Environnemental de la Personne Handicapée (ASDPEPH)
39. Integrated Youth Empowerment Center (IYEC CAMEROON)
18. Aura Foundation
40. InterActions
62. Syndication National Indépendant des Enseigants de Base (SNIEB)
63. UOAD-Cameroun
20. Care Society
42. Jeunes pour le Développement Rural (JDR)
21. Centrale Syndicale du Secteur Public - Adamaoua
43. Jeunesse Rurale active (JEURAC)
65. NID International pour le Développement Durable (NIDD)
44. La Grande Palabre
66. Organisation Nationale des Parents pour la Promotion de l’Education au Cameroun (ONAPED)



The conflict situation in Ukraine has had a significant economic impact on Cameroon. Since 2020, and with continued devolution until now, freedoms of expression, association and assembly have been severely restricted. The army has committed violations against human rights defenders, who have been arbitrarily detained and even denied access to humanitarian aid. Human rights defenders and activists have always been the target of death threats and acts of harassment because of their attempts to defend human rights. By way of example, four UN rapporteurs on human rights defenders and the right to freedom of expression and assembly have written to Paul Biya to express the death threats repeatedly made since 2015 against the president and lawyer of Organic Farming for Gorillas. Even so, demonstrators were detained at Yaoundé's central police station for hours before being released. And members of the Movement for the Rebirth of Cameroon (MRC) have been the subject of arbitrary detention. They have been sentenced by military courts under the pretext of revolution, rebellion or participation in the organization of an undeclared public meeting.
