Monday, June 10, 2024 in Pointe Noire and Brazzaville (Congo): Tournons La Page Congo (TLP- Congo) calls on the President of the Republic to grant a presidential pardon to Jean-Marie Michel MOKOKO and André OKOMBI SALISSA to consolidate national reconciliation.
Every year on June 10, for the past thirty-three years, the Republic of Congo has been commemorating national reconciliation, to consolidate peace, given its history of wounds, violent conflicts and divisions...
Mr. President of the Republic, TLP-Congo has been writing to you since August 2023, asking you to grant a presidential pardon to Jean-Marie Michel MOKOKO and André OKOMBI SALISSA. This was the case in the run-up to the festivities marking the 63rd anniversary of our country's independence, and on December 10, 2023, during the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
Mr. President of the Republic, for the record, the end of the Sovereign National Conference was marked by the symbolic hand-washing ceremony, reflecting the willingness of the sons and daughters of the Congo to forgive one another and heal the wounds of the past once and for all. The collective memory still retains this important image of you inviting President Jacques Joachim YOMBI OPANGAULT to join you in washing your hands together, under the admiring gaze of Monsignor Ernest KOMBO, President of the Presidium of the aforementioned Conference. This gesture testified to your ability to forgive. Your career as a statesman is full of examples of your greatness of spirit. That's why the "I assume" you pronounced in your speech to the Congolese people on April 26, 1991, revealed your firm attachment to the values of love, listening, forgiveness and peace that you embody and for which you fight tirelessly.
As we commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the Day of National Reconciliation, TLP Congo and the entire TLP family worldwide are hoping and expecting a special gesture from you to further seal the reconciliation that the Congolese people are calling for every day. And the presidential pardon for these two compatriots is one such gesture. In this respect, the Constitution of October 25, 2015 provides you with all the means to fulfill this expectation, particularly by resorting to Article 92, which stipulates: "The President of the Republic exercises the right of pardon".
The Congolese people still want to witness the spirit of forgiveness that has always animated you. This is why TLP Congo humbly begs you to grant your pardon to our compatriots, Mr. Jean Marie Michel MOKOKO and Mr. André OKOMBI SALISSA. TLP Congo is convinced that this cry from the heart will reach you.
Pointe Noire and Brazzaville, June 06, 2024
The member organizations of the Tournons La Page Congo coalition:
- Action Evangélique pour la Paix (AEP)
Minister Nelly MFOUTOU KADO, National Coordinator - AM22
Jean José MABOUNGOU, Member - Association pour les Droits de l’Homme et l’Univers Carcéral (ADHUC)
Alain KOMBO, President - Association Dignité Féminine (ADF)
Gracia Ninelle KOMBO MOUKOUYOU, Secretary - Association pour le Respect du Droit des Populations Autochtones, du Développement Durable et du Droit de l’Homme (ARPA2DH)
Blanchard Cherotti MAVOUNGOU, President - Cercle de Réflexion sur le Développement Intégral (CRDI)
Nazaire NKANI, President - Commission Épiscopale Justice et Paix (CEJP)
Abbé Guy Noël OKAMBA, National Coordinator - Commission Justice et Paix de Pointe Noire (CJP)
Brice MACKOSSO, Permanent Secretary - Congo Maison Commune (CMC)
Jean-Pierre KOUBANZA, President - Fondation Niosi
Samuel NSIKABAKA, General Secretary - Mouvement pour la Culture Citoyenne (MCC)
Joseph Policier BANZOUZI, Deputy National Coordinator - Mouvement citoyen Ras-Le-Bol (RLB)
Bertrand Menier KOUNIANGA, First Coordinator - Observatoire Congolais des Droits de l’Homme (OCDH)
Nina Kiyindou Yombo, Executive director - Rencontre pour la Paix et les Droits de l’Homme (RPDH)
Christian MOUNZEO, President