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Report Release - Niger: Civic Space on the Brink of Extinction
Report  Posté le 07:53 09-06-2022, modifié le 07:53 09-06-2022 par Tournons la Page
TLP-Niger  Posté le 07:53 09-06-2022, modifié le 07:53 09-06-2022 par Tournons la Page

Since the beginning of 2014, Tournons La Page has observed a questioning of the exercise of rights enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as in the Constitution of November 25, 2010 of the State of Niger.

Through an increasingly repressive legal arsenal that challenges fundamental rights, the country's international commitments and the independence of the judiciary, Niger is moving towards an irreversible closure of civic space. Between mass arrests of activists, journalists or political opponents, systematic bans on demonstrations and internet blackouts, freedom of expression, demonstration, association and privacy are no longer guaranteed. Since 2014, at least 53 demonstrations have been banned, at least 1,091 people have been subject to pre-trial detention, up to 19 months in prison. The internet has been cut off three times to limit media coverage of the crackdown and effectively violating the right to access information.

This report, entitled "Niger: Civic Space on the Brink of Extinction," is the result of a collaborative effort between the international secretariat of Tournons La Page (TLP) and the Tournons La Page Niger (TLP-Niger) coalition of 17 Nigerien civil society organizations.

This report begins with an analysis of Niger's human rights laws. It then highlights the repressive provisions that threaten the freedoms stipulated in Niger's international commitments. It then compiles the various cases of arrests, bans on demonstrations, and internet blackouts to demonstrate their increasing recurrence and highlight the profound shrinkage of civic space in Niger. The report includes numerous appendices that demonstrate the exhaustive documentation and monitoring work done by Tournons La Page Niger,

The members of Tournons La Page Niger demand that the State of Niger respect the Constitution and the commitments made in terms of fundamental rights and freedoms, including those of expression, press, assembly and demonstration, but also the release of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, the independence of the judiciary and the separation of powers.

Download the report (only available in French)


Communication officer,
 Tournons La Page
