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TLP 10 years - Tournons La Page's first meeting in Burkina Faso in 2016
Actualité  Posté le 09:44 07-10-2024, modifié le 09:44 07-10-2024 par Tournons La Page

One year after the popular uprising that led to the fall of Blaise Compaoré, his former right-hand man, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, was elected head of the country at the end of a transitional period that had been full of hope for Burkina Faso's youth. This period was also marked by security instability in Burkina Faso, notably after a deadly jihadist attack targeting two tourist spots in the capital, just a few days before the first Tournons La Page summit in Ouagadougou.

Despite the poisonous atmosphere in the capital, TLP members from several African countries and Europe are exchanging ideas, debating and reflecting on the issues surrounding electoral processes and citizen control, which are the guarantors of the rule of law. The aim of the meeting is to lay the foundations for a pan-African synergy embracing a range of ideas, values and prerequisites to promote democratic change.
