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In Oslo, TLP joins the fight against tyranny
Actualité  Posté le 10:27 21-06-2024, modifié le 10:27 21-06-2024 par Tournons La Page

A delegation from Tournons La Page (TLP) took part in the Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF), held in Norway from June 3 to 5, 2024. Comprising President Alexandre Didier Amani and Executive Director Mathieu Pourchier, the delegation joined thousands of human rights defenders in calling for freedom and denouncing tyranny.

At the high-level conferences, Alexandre Didier Amani and Mathieu Pourchier highlighted TLP's tireless efforts to defy repression, denounce injustice and promote democracy. They spoke of the threats to democracy in the various countries where TLP is active through its coalitions. The presentations raised awareness of the complex and often dangerous realities facing democracy advocates.

Over the past 18 years, the world has witnessed a global decline in democracy and a rise in authoritarianism. Authoritarian regimes have strengthened in Russia and Iran, while India and Georgia are sliding dangerously towards authoritarianism. According to research by the Human Rights Foundation, today 5.7 billion people, or 72% of the world's population, live under the tyranny of a hybrid authoritarian regime or a fully-fledged dictatorship. Authoritarianism is thus identified as the main obstacle not only to political freedom, but also to the realization of all other fundamental individual rights and societal aspirations.

TLP's participation in this global event reinforces its unwavering commitment to democracy and human rights. By joining forces with other defenders of freedom, Alexandre Didier Amani and Mathieu Pourchier demonstrated that, despite the challenges, the fight for democracy and human rights continues to go from strength to strength.
